Team Work & Job Opportunities

CATS utilize a special organization; our team is youngster. Our organization is from various Schools Students. They will the opportunities to lead, organize and grow a company into various department and most importantly how to become successful in managing a business. The Students are able to learn the strategy that CATS develop and will be trained in how to deal with situation that they may not have a chance when encountered. CATS also allow the students to contribute their creative ideas, how to deal with customer and how to work on presentation. Our platform will allow Cambodia young leaders to emerge and contribute their expertise to the society.

About Us

CATS - Cambodia Advance Transportation systems was officially establish on 2017. With the support from various ministry we started to penetrate into the indoor advertisement market. Having an advance way of managing the vehicle and staff we started to move in a fast pace.

Vision - to bring affordable digital advertisement into cambodia and help all the company to grow.

Mission - to make all the company grow with us, using professional digital marketing method with affordable pricing and guarantee result.

Contact Us

Head Office: #89, Street 294, Sangkat Beoung Keng Kong 1, Khan Charkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: 010 789 037 / 012 82 43 05
Branch office:
#418, Street 271, Sangkat Teuk Thlar, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Phone : +855 15 41 5000
: +855 87 8888 73
Hotline: : +855 12 824 305

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